Storm Water Plan
This page is the Home of Phillipsburg’s Storm water Program and includes links to valuable resources for additional storm water information. The Town of Phillipsburg is currently updating the Storm water Program and has provided draft editions of the 2019-2020 Storm water Program for review and comment.
As a resident, business, or other member of the New Jersey community, it is important to know these easy things you can do every day to protect our water.
- Limit your use of fertilizers and pesticides
- Properly use and dispose of hazardous products
- Keep pollution out of storm drains
- Clean up after your pet
- Don’t feed wildlife
- Don’t litter
- Dispose of yard waste properly
Each of the above steps have very specific things a citizen can do to minimize pollution.
2020-02-06 – 2019 Municipal Storm water Management Plan
2020-02-07 – ms4 presentation to Council
2020-02-27 – ms4 presentation pb
Tipcard Handouts
NJDEP – Tipcard – _Storm water Brochure
NJDEP – Tipcard – carwash final
NJDEP – Tipcard – fertilizer final
NJDEP – Tipcard – motor oil final
NJDEP – Tipcard – Pet_Waste_Pburg
NJDEP – Tipcard – pet waste final
Important Links