Town Directory

Main Number: 908-454-5500

Police Non-Emergency Number:


Fax Number 908-454-6511

Mayor's OfficeTown CouncilBusiness AdministrationClerkFinanceTax/Sewer CollectionAssessorPublic WorksInspections/Land UseMunicipal CourtFire/Emergency ManagementPublic SafetyAnimal ControlParks & RecreationSection 8LibraryUEZ

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Randy Piazza, Jr., Mayor, ext. 302

Kelly Lefler, Secretary to the Mayor Ext. 330

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Peter Marino, Council President

Meliss Paulus, Council Vice President 

Matthew Scerbo, Councilman

Lee Clark, Councilman

Keith Kennedy, Councilman

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Craig Brotons, Business Administrator, ext. 389

Tara Gomez, Human Resources Ext. 439 Fax # 908-454-7899

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Susan Turner, Acting Municipal Clerk,  ext 309

Nicole Torres, Deputy Municipal Clerk & Registrar, ext. 348

Deborah Hay, Alternate Registrar, ext. 438

Nancy DeFuria, Clerical Support, ext. 365

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Robert J. Merlo, Chief Financial Officer, ext. 311

Brenda Papovich, Sr. Payroll Clerk, ext. 308

Shannon Quick, Assistant Municipal Treasurer, ext. 435

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Daniele Lattig, Tax Collector, ext. 307

Rebecca Schneck, Assistant Tax Collector, ext. 355

Meghan Kutx,  Head Cashier Ext.310

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Craig Brotons, Tax Assessor, ext. 306

Jeannine Wargo, Assessing Clerk, ext. 353

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Matt Noel, Deputy Director of Municipal Services Ext. 390

Patty Huxta, Public Works Secretary, ext. 314


Pat Kays, Director of Municipal Services/Community Development, ext. 315

Kelly Lefler, Land Use Secretary ext. 330

Ted Serrano, Housing Inspector, ext. 312

Hank Bell, P/T Plumbing Subcode/Inspector Ext. 345

Tom Koepfler,  Housing Inspector / Electrical Subcode Official Ext. 319

Jonathan Cortright, Housing Inspector Ext. 341

Kevin Duddy BuildingSubcode Official Ext. 313

Mariola Szczesny, Technical Assistant to the Construction Official, Ext. 346 

Megan Douglas, Construction Administrative Assistant Ext. 370

Jaclyn Mullin, Inspections Department Clerk Ext. 340

Patrick Kays, Zoning Official Ext.315

Court direct line: 908-454-3211

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Kristi Anthes, Court Administrator, ext. 326

Lisa Rudd, Deputy Court Administrator, ext. 327

Dawn Parry, Clerk, ext. 328

Gerard J. Shamey, Municipal Court Judge (Phillipsburg and Alpha)

Steven Siegal, Municipal Prosecutor

Jennifer Toth, Municipal Public Defender

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Richard Hay, Fire Chief/Emergency Management Coordinator, ext. 347

Gary Ricker, Deputy Fire Chief, ext. 383

John Lefler, Battalion Chief, ext. 437

Mabel Cook, Deputy Emergency Management Coordinator, ext. 436

Police non-emergency line: 908-835-2002

Police Daytime business phone: 908-454-5501

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Robert Stettner, Chief of Police, ext. 325

John Franceschino, Captain, ext. 318

John Maczko, Captain, ext. 329

James McDonald, Investigations, ext. 382

Marc Mecca, Investigations, ext. 324

Brett Marino, Investigations, ext. 359

James Stettner, Investigations, ext. 336

David Cupon, Investigations, ext. 316

Angela Hoadley, Records Clerk, ext. 323

Investigations Fax: 908-387-8714

Records Fax: 908-454-2708

Patrol Division Fax: 908-454-0243

Direct Line: 908-763-5035

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Community Animal Control 

Robert Lagonera, Animal Control Officer

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Matthew Noel, Deputy Director of Municipal Services, 390

Seasonal, Vacant, Recreation Leader

Seasonal, Vacant, Pool Manager (Seasonal)

General Inquiries

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Gina Fey, Sr. Housing Technician/Coordinator, ext. 342

Jaclyn Mullin, Section 8 Clerk Ext. 340

Jonathan Cortright, Housing Inspector Ext. 341

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Dave Krolak, Library Director, 908-454-3712

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Patrick Kays, UEZ Coordinator